Is the service of sports chaplaincy just for Christians?
No. It is for both people of faith and people of no faith. This is for people of all sorts of religious backgrounds. All people need pastoral care or player welfare. We work very hard on being a team player and building unity. However, we do realise that some people embrace the chaplain more than others.
Note: We especially value team and club unity and other sport or club specific values.
So why do you want to do this?
In many places around the world, sport exists due to the expansive number of volunteers and non-profit foundation. However, not everyone is suited or wants to be a coach or a manager. We believe that we provide the greatest value to any club, team, or event by being a pastoral care giver, a sport care giver, a mentor, a chaplain.
Note: The chaplain adds value to the club and to the individual sports person.
What does Sports Chaplaincy normally look like?
Presence is significant as it builds trust and rapport in the team. We recommend three touch points in a week and then 1 on 1s if people would like them over a coffee or a cold one. The three touch points normally would be 1. Post Game Day Debrief, 2. A training or conditioning day. 3. Game Day.
Note: We have examples of how chaplaincy can operate in a range of circumstances. However we are flexible in establishing what works best for you.
Isn’t there other staff taking care of the athlete?
That is a good and common question. Sport clubs set up their staff to make their athletes compete at peak performance to maximise winning chances. Staff with this objective includes coaches, assistant coaches, managers, sports psychologists, and medical staff. Our focus is fundamentally different. We are there to help make better people. We are there regardless of whether the athlete wins or not. We do know that better people make better athletes. Our task is to ensure that the whole person is being cared for.
Note: The sporting community needs to understand the fit and significance of sports chaplaincy in order to embrace the concept.
Is this compulsory for all our players, and can we trust you?
No. We are work as an invited guest. We wish to bring value to you and to the club, event, or association. There is a memorandum of understanding in terms of how we will operate. There is also an annual review of the chaplain conducted by the club, the chaplain themselves, their supervisor and the church. Additionally, our chaplains must receive a police clearance, be endorsed as trusted people by their Christian community, and sign a code of conduct.
Isn’t this just for people with ‘problems/challenges’?
Yes and no. ‘Yes’, because everyone has challenges in life, whether they be on the field, like injury or non-selection or, off the field such as relational challenges caused by life changes, conflict or the big three, birth, death and marriage. And ‘No’ because our chaplains are trained and focus in on dual affirmation, encouraging, family and relationship building and a range of other things.
Note: Often people understand chaplains only have a role when there is a problem. However our chaplains ‘build and encourage’ not, only ‘fix’.
Q: Who do you work with?
We care for competitive sports people at all levels: professional, regional, club, and school. Due to the importance of ‘presence’ we work with those that identify themselves in sport. It is a mindset and not limited to a certain age group. Our work spans across a wide age range, from teenagers through to seniors in their eighties and nineties.
Note: We work with all manner of sports, whether that be team, solo, major events, e-sports or adventure.
What does it cost?
Most chaplains are externally funded, so most are available without charge to the end user. However some chaplains at high-end establishments may receive a stipend or funds.
Note: The vision of Global Sports Chaplaincy Association is to see a sports chaplain wherever sport is played. In some locations local support may be necessary, however we do not want this to be a barrier to seeing this vision realised.
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