What is the GSCA?
The Global Sports Chaplaincy Association is an Organised Movement of entities from around the world with the shared vision and purpose of seeing sports chaplains serving with excellence in every sports community worldwide.
Sports chaplaincy began to emerge fully between the mid-twentieth century and 2013. This period saw the emergence of ‘Muscular Christianity’, as sports chaplaincy was integrating with the sports world under the International Sports Coalition and at major sporting events. At the time, sports chaplaincy was defined as ‘pastoral and spiritual care to the sports community’; both sports chaplaincy entities and sports ministry entities began practicing sports chaplaincy.
In 2013-2017, the pioneering phase of the Global Sports Chaplaincy Association took place. There was a growing interest in chaplaincy worldwide. The specialist focus of sports chaplaincy stepped out from under the International Sports Coalition to dedicate more time and strategic focus. Several chaplaincy organisations engaged in meetings in Hong Kong, the United States, and the United Kingdom, with the goal to see sports chaplaincy available globally, and establish an appropriate organisation to do so.
By 2017-2021, the Global Sports Chaplaincy Association was established. GSCA as an entity was first registered in the United States, and also New Zealand. The governance board and leadership structure was put in place. GSCA took on the form of an ‘Organized Movement’ with its founding members. The first full-time and part-time staff were appointed, each with a global focus. A budget and key strategies were put in place to see our God-given vision realised.

To give every person involved in sport around the world access to a Christian sports chaplain.
The Global Sports Chaplaincy Association will help establish, develop, empower, and resource entities that practice sports chaplaincy.